CP Information

Information opens doors and opportunities, it empowers and confirms. Information is the key to learning what works and what doesn’t in the lives of individuals touched by cerebral palsy. From the information about cerebral palsy, to topics such as home modifications, treatments and therapies, pain management, special education dispute resolution, hot tips and more – we have some insights to share on our cerebral palsy blog.

Support for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Each child with special needs faces their own challenges. However, they do not face these challenges alone; family and loved ones looking for the best for their child with Cerebral Palsy are looking to learn and grow as well. With all of this work and focus, it can be difficult for parents of children with special needs to avoid feelings of isolation. As such, we are strong proponents of parents finding their voice online.

Navigating CerebralPalsy.org for Cerebral Palsy Information

Part of the motivation behind developing CerebralPalsy.org was to consolidate critical Cerebral Palsy information in one central location. While there are many websites available to help special needs families, it is also fragmented and at times unreliable when it comes to accuracy or supporting data. Parents don’t have time to research the sites they find while researching; when time is short due to chores, family time, work and more, you shouldn’t have to dig further into what Google provides!

Parent of Children with CP Should Explore Financial Help

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that does not know race, gender, wealth, geography, etc. It is a condition that afflicts far too many children across the world. Due to the limits many programs place on assistance for children with Cerebral Palsy, many parents seem to think their income level may prevent them from pursuing assistance of any sort. This is most definitely not the case.

Planning a Vacation: Overcoming CP-Related Challenges

While it may not seem like it, especially given how hot this summer has been, but any winter vacation you may be considering is going to require planning! If you are fortunate enough to use the winter months as an opportunity to get away, you may still face an abundance of challenges associated with destinations. The reason: not all places are ‘special needs friendly.’ As a result, navigating the planning for your trip can be an uphill battle. Which is why we want to make it simpler!

Alternative Devices for Children with Special Needs

Everyday life can be hard, especially for those who have special needs. It may be difficult to grip certain items, enjoy a meal, use technology, or even just communicate. There are so many devices out there that will help ease the challenges. Alternative devices can help make life a little easier and help children or adults with special needs communicate better. In this post, we will discuss the purpose of alternative devices and provide some everyday examples.

Cerebral Palsy and Improving Your Community: 4 Tips

While MyChild is confident about the impact it can make in your child and family’s life, we also know that a brighter future can occur when the world at large better understands Cerebral Palsy. As a result, we have made it a point to promote advocacy, encouraging parents to not only let their voice be heard, but also help inform the public about this challenging condition. Making an impact in your community can not only mean a brighter, less ignorant world for your child, it can also brighten the future of other children with special needs.

Books for Special Needs Children (Part Two)

No child can have enough books; a book can take them away from their situation for a while or inspire them to step out of their comfort zone. However, the challenge is still there to find books that are specific to the special needs community. After we completed our first post about books for special needs children, we went back out there to find five more books that serve the special needs community.

Music for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Music can mean a lot of different things to people young and old, regardless of the genre or time of year. Amazing things have been made possible through the art of music, both in terms of original creations, but also provide value in areas like therapy. Because Cerebral Palsy can involve an extensive, diverse number of symptoms, there are a lot of different ways kids with CP can engage with music. Its overall value, though, as a field for exploration cannot be overstated.

5 Cerebral Palsy Topics for August

Summer is still in full swing as we head into August and with it you and your child may face a wide number of challenges… but also plenty of fun! We like to bring awareness about CP to help parents as the calendar changes, and what better month to highlight than one involving heat, school, assistance and more? For more information on Cerebral Palsy topics centered around the month of August, keep reading!

Why Cerebral Palsy Awareness Matters

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that can be devastating for some and a lifetime of daily challenges for others. Sadly, there is very little public awareness regarding CP, including how it’s caused, what its symptoms may appear to be in children, or even what it may mean for the mental and physical abilities of people who live with it. In short, raising Cerebral Palsy awareness is about paving the way for the special needs community for years to come.
