CP Information

Information opens doors and opportunities, it empowers and confirms. Information is the key to learning what works and what doesn’t in the lives of individuals touched by cerebral palsy. From the information about cerebral palsy, to topics such as home modifications, treatments and therapies, pain management, special education dispute resolution, hot tips and more – we have some insights to share on our cerebral palsy blog.

7 Apps for Special Needs Children

apps for special needs

Technology is becoming increasingly more embedded in children’s lives. The wonderful thing is technology can be used as education or communicative aids. A lot of apps for special needs children are cheaper than tutoring and can provide a fun alternative way of learning versus workbooks. Plus, apps can even target social and emotional learning as well. For children with special needs, apps can be huge learning devices that will touch on whatever skills they need to develop. Although there are millions of apps to choose from, this can also be a big problem for finding the perfect ones.

Suggestions for Fall

Children with special needs face significant challenges, both due to everyday tasks and unique, seasonal circumstances. Helping a child face and overcome these challenges is part of a parent’s job, making preparation a key step in making your job easier! In appreciation for Fall, we have a few things to consider for your child with Cerebral Palsy!

What is Early Intervention?

If you frequently read our blog, you may have seen us use the term ‘early intervention’ when discussing future success for children with Cerebral Palsy. Just as it sounds, early intervention is focused on making an impact on a child’s development to limit problems related to CP. This may seem to be an obvious goal for any child facing challenges, but very little awareness exists due to the complexity of Cerebral Palsy.

Reading and your Child with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy affects children in a variety of ways. The full spectrum includes physical, emotional, social and adaptive development, but it also includes intellectual factors as well. Helping your child grow intellectually can include reading, making your child’s literacy contingent on how Cerebral Palsy impact him or her. Rather than dive into the science of factors causing challenges in reading, we would instead like to walk through options that exist to help your child.

Cerebral Palsy and Your Child’s Future

When a child is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, parents commonly begin mapping out what it means for their child’s future. Though a few symptoms may be evident at an early age or, more likely, when developmental milestones have been missed, your child’s CP will be a lifelong journey. Limiting the extent of your child’s challenges for the years to come requires early intervention, but also a clear understanding of the family that Cerebral Palsy requires ongoing work to create the best plan for your child.

The Importance of a Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

The day a child is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy is assuredly a difficult one for the entire family. While CP can impact children and adults in a variety of ways, having a concrete Cerebral Palsy diagnosis is the first step to getting critical assistance. Doing so can not only help in better understanding the challenges to come, but also bolster your family’s ability to help your child overcome challenges in their ongoing development and success.

Five Tips for Preparing for a New School Year

A new school year is almost upon us, which is almost impossible to believe! As you have hopefully already dived into our Summer with CP guide and had a blast with your children, returning to class is still right around the corner. As a parent of a child with special needs, preparing for a new school year goes beyond supplies and can involve a wide assortment of challenges that change each season.

Cerebral Palsy Stories for Inspiration

Beyond being a resource for those looking to better understand Cerebral Palsy, we also pride ourselves on sharing impactful stories that inspire and represent a great example of the potential children with CP can have. Our Facebook Page carries many of these stories of inspiration, but we wanted to be sure to localize a few that might bring a smile to your face and show what the future can hold. Ultimately, each of these stories speak to the human spirit and the forms success can come in for advocates and those touched by Cerebral Palsy alike.

Eating Utensils for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Learning how to properly use eating utensils or drinking from a cup is something every child learns growing up. It is already hard enough for young children to master this, but even harder for children with Cerebral Palsy. It may be challenging to hold onto a spoon, scoop food off of a plate, or drink spill-free out of a cup. Not being able to feed themselves can cause children frustration and a lack of independence. Every child should have the opportunity to feed themselves and eating utensils can now adapt to the needs of children who found eating difficult.

Better Understanding Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

As you likely know, Cerebral Palsy is a condition that impacts people in a wide variety of ways. As a result, CP is often accompanied by a wide variety of misconceptions and, regrettably, a lack of awareness from the public. Just as much as CP can be caused by a number of sources, so too can Cerebral Palsy symptoms differ from child to child. Ultimately, our goal is to be a resource providing clarity for parents and the public alike.
