The Cerebral Palsy Blog

July 13, 2015

As an organization, MyChild with Cerebral Palsy was established by Ken Stern as a bridge in the gap between services available to all children with Cerebral Palsy. While some families are able to afford and easily access therapy and support efforts aimed at helping children with CP reach their full potential, far too many others were left behind. With so many programs and assistance efforts available, gaining and losing funding or resources on a monthly basis, MyChild was created by Ken Stern to be a one-stop information center for all parents.

But what does...

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July 10, 2015

There’s no silver bullet to remove stress from your life as a special needs parent, but that does not mean you can’t try different techniques to limit it, right? Guess what: suggesting you just buy a candle or take up a hobby isn’t going to cut it – we want to provide a wide assortment of options because, just as unique as our children are, so too are our individual needs!

One excellent way to combat stress as a special needs parent is to speak with people facing similar challenges as you. If you would like help connecting with a support group or peers...

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July 09, 2015

As the ‘Ultimate Resource for Everything Cerebral Palsy,’ our organization has a unique role in helping families. While we continue to build out our assistance (including a foundation dedicated to research and improving the future still to come!), one thing that we have found to be a consistent need for families nationwide is housing. Any family facing the challenges associated with a child with Cerebral Palsy or general special needs should never worry about a safe and comfortable roof over their head. However, this is sadly the case in far too many instances.


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July 06, 2015

Health-care costs associated with a condition like CP can be extremely high. Finding insurance for children with Cerebral Palsy used to be difficult due the ability of insurance companies to deny coverage based upon a pre-existing condition. However, current insurance rules have opened up the door for children with CP to receive the insurance coverage they need. In order to assist you on exploring your options regarding insurance for children with Cerebral Palsy, we’ve put together a short overview to help!

First, the facts: families with lower income often...

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July 03, 2015

Regardless of your income level, being a Cerebral Palsy parent means you could use some help. Ranging from getting someone to help watch your child with special needs to critical resources from federal programs, every little bit helps. It is important, though, that parents connect with the Cerebral Palsy help offered by their state. Doing so helps in getting more local, region-specific assistance, while also opening doors for down the road as your child ages.

But how do you get Cerebral Palsy help in your state? Even in this digital age, access to special needs...

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July 01, 2015

In the past year, we have done many different things to improve our offerings for our Facebook community and each new parent who finds us through search. With a new website launching at the end of this month, we’ll also be merging our blog into part of the site. This is being done to connect our great information pages with emerging topics, but also to help bring in more families by making our site more accessible for those interested...

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June 29, 2015

For every special needs child, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) can be an important part of their education and future success. It can be challenging to create a perfect education plan around your child’s needs, but the IEP can drive a focus for the school that matches parental and medical opinions. As many of you already know, when it’s time to create an IEP for your child with Cerebral Palsy, there are many things to consider. We found five considerations that could be discussed when forming an IEP to hopefully make the progress a little easier.


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June 25, 2015

Every parent’s top priority is for their child to be healthy and happy. When that child has Cerebral Palsy, our community has demonstrated the incredible strength and effort parents will put into their making these priorities become a reality. While we have discussed the emotional cost associated with being a parent of a child with special needs, the reality is that Cerebral Palsy costs families significantly between therapies, medications, care, equipment...

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June 22, 2015

Cerebral Palsy is a significant diagnosis that comes with a wide assortment of related conditions. Whether an individual is facing a lifetime of required care and assistance, or lives with only minimal challenges, anyone diagnosed with CP tackles an assortment of difficulties each day. Accessing quality Cerebral Palsy information can be far too difficult, both due to misinformation in the public mainstream, and simply due to Google being inundated with incomplete, often incorrect, information.

MyChild ...

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June 19, 2015

Being the parent of a child with special needs brings with it intense challenges and a wide range of emotions. The parents in our community have continuously shown strength and courage in the face of these challenges, but that doesn’t mean that these daily experiences should be ignored or understated! The truth is that special needs parents can face an uphill battle when it comes to getting an understanding and assistance from others. As such, making connections between parents experiencing similar challenges can be very helpful, and even crucial. Cerebral Palsy support...

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